Nahajate se tukaj: TRGOVINA KRAP-PRIBOR Kobre Karbonska kobra Bombus Throwing Stick Orient Rods

Karbonska kobra Bombus Throwing Stick Orient Rods

Proizvajalec: Orient Rods
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Karbonska kobra Bombus Throwing Stick Orient Rods


  • Teža: 108 - 125 gramov. Naše kobre za metanje so izdelane po posebni termo-kompresijski metodi z vakuumsko oblikovanjem, pri kateri stiskanje kalupa poteka s segretimi elementi opreme. Ta metoda vam omogoča, da naredite izdelke zelo zapletene oblike. Optimalne oblike kobre so bile izbrane po ogromni količini preizkusov, ki zdaj omogočajo najdaljše daljine na svetu, večje od 130 metrov. 


BMBS23 23 1000 - 1300 18 - 20
BMBS27 27 1000 - 1300 20 - 24
BMBS32 32 1000 - 1300 26 - 30
BMBS34 34 1000 - 1300 26 - 32


  • Weight: 108 - 125 grams;
  • Products can be equipped with an Unique Orient Rods design  rear valve. Applying it, we get an enlarged opening at the end of the carbon tube, which allows us to increase the speed of the boilie by increasing the air pressure during casting.
  • Two patents of Ukraine are received for this design;
  • Our Throwing Sticks are made by a special thermo-compressive method using vacuum molding, in which the compression of the mold is carried out by means of heated elements of equipment. This method allows you to make products of a very complex shape;
  • For our Throwing Sticks manufacturing, we use the carbon fiber material located at a certain angle and filling the entire volume of material with threads, as well as Plain Weave Spread Tow. This type of weaving provides the best durability of the composite material;
  • The carbon fiber location at a certain angle also allowed to achieve the maximum torsion of the boil and as a result to achieve the longest distances casts. 
  • The optimal Throwing Stick's bending shape were chosen after a huge amount of tests, allowing now to do the world longest casts of more than 130 meter. 
  • High Quality Neoprene Case Included.
  • CAUTION! Please avoid exposing the unit to direct sunlight!


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